Introduces tweaks and improvements to the inventory system.Fixes the issue whereby the corpse of Golyat had corrupted visuals.Fixes issue whereby it was impossible to obtain the gwent leader card "Francesca Findabair: The Beautiful" after finishing the main story.Corrects Blood and Wine and Hearts of Stone credits.Fixes issue whe reby an improperly high amount of experience could be required to level up above level 96.Fixes issue whereby it was possible to permanently lose swords in Gravity Cave.Fixes issue whereby some enemies' upscaled level would be improperly displayed as too high.Fixes issue whereby Roach's tail could vanish.
Fixes issue whereby Bandit Camp near Kilkerinn Ruins could not be marked as cleared. Fixes issue whereby a golem guarding treasure located between Bowdon and Brunwich could prove invulnerable. Fixes issue whereby negative experience po ints were sometimes displayed if progress had been initially started in version 1.0. Fixes issue whereby upscaled levels of selected enemies would not be calculated correctly. Adds Dark Iron Plate diagram to the crafting list. Fixes issue w hereby some NPCs could not spawn after the completion of Blood and Wine. Fixes additional instances of issue whereby interaction was sometimes missing from chests containing loot in the quest "Scavenger Hunt:. Fixes issue whereby mutagen icons were not updated on Steam and Origin. Fixes issue whereby the "Envoys, Wineboys" quest would not progress correction under certain circumstances. Fixes issue involving incorrect progression of the "Wine Wars: Vermentino" quest if player had completed all "Wine Wars: Belgaard" tasks previously. Fixes an issue whereby camera hard lock could not be enabled following completion of the quest "The Warble of a Smitten Knight.". Fixes issue whereby Roach would not move during the quest "The Warble of a Smitten Knight.". 1.11 WITCHER 3 PATCH DOWNLOAD UPGRADE
Fixes issue whereby Corvo Bianco upgrades would not complete if players left Toussaint while an upgrade was in progress.Patch Notes for the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt are located on this page in order of newest Patches to oldest.